Sunday, July 20, 2008


I lay here unable to concentrate
With my mind wandering
unable to hold the thoughts once trained
to keep focus....these thoughts...
Dispersed thoughts... just wont keep still
they move around in my mind
so that I dont hold onto
my own memories
I try to grab a hold of these ideas
of you and I
but when I undo these fists
theyre gone
as if they never existed
my eyes couldnt conceive
the things that ive seen but...
My heart stays persistant
to keep your name listed but
my mind just resists it
now vacant for only dreams to dwell
silence floods my conscience mind
and things Ive always wanted to say to you
once friends
but now gone way past platonic ties
was it mere lust...filled with hopeful wishing
or merely lies
and it comes to no surprise that..
you lie next to me wondering
if we made the right decision....
I lay next to you
as a friend unsure of what the future holds
but was it wrong?
have we done what feels so right
is so right....
or have we just opened up a can of worms
that neither one of us are ready for?


XperienceDaPoet © 2008